“I wish I was a photograph tucked in the corner of your wallet…”~ Andrea Gibson When you ask people about love, they will often tell you about longing and loss. When you ask about triumph, they will inevitably also remember stories of failure. The artist walks right into those stories of pain to find healing, …Read More
Category: Storytelling
Night Terrors – Shane Koyczan
“Where words leave off, music begins.” ~ Heinrich Heine Music can bypass the mind and go straight to the heart. The Snap Judgment series pairs live instrumental music with live oral storytelling for a powerful performance — creating “stories with a beat.” Music creates the mood for the words to have an even deeper emotional …Read More
Storytelling as Medicine, Online Courses
I’m a physician and storyteller. How does a physician become a storyteller? Well, that’s a long story (coming soon), but right now I’ll just say that “healing” comes to us in so many different way. Today, along with my stethoscope and my prescription pad … I carry stories as my medicine. Stories are Medicine Stories …Read More
What is sex?
Sara could not believe this was her first day as a substitute teacher for 2nd grade. This was supposed to be an easy day. They were practicing for the standardized test required by the state. The number two pencils were sharpened. She had passed out the sheets for bubbling in their answers. The students were …Read More
Man rain, woman rain
My mom once told me the difference between man rain and woman rain. Here in Florida, the humid summer months bring rainstorms every afternoon like clockwork. “The weather is horrible! It rains every day,” complained a friend who recently moved from New York. “But the rest of the day is fine,” I said. Growing up …Read More
The Cliché of Cinderella
Nearly every child in America can tell you the story of Cinderella. Some of them have watched the Disney version of the movie so often they can recite the dialogue. By the time they are old enough for the story of Cinderella to be of real emotional help to them, they have heard it so …Read More
Operating Theater
It is a splendor to behold. Hidden in the recessed bowels of the building. Down in the basement. Long halls with windowless rooms. Bright lights. Down here it is always daytime. The operating rooms of the University hospital live in the snaked caverns of the basement. The floors and walls tiled. Industrial cleaners creating a …Read More
Life After Childbirth
In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why? Of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What …Read More
Story: The Creator Rests
What does creativity do when it rests? Minor edits? Little revisions? Take this out, add that. It’s all part of the creative process, but sometimes the pieces we take out create wonderful new stories. Here’s a creative 5-minute story that will inspire kids of all ages (like me) by Jill LamedeThe Tintagel Storytellerwww.Lamede.com
First time
I nearly fainted. My vision goes gray, a cold sweat comes over me, and my knees buckle. I look for the nearest seat. There in the corner. I hope no one noticed. I’m a new medical student assigned to this patient. The resident said I should watch and see how this is done. This is …Read More