FREE TeleHealth Check-In

As my community service this month to my fellow Florida residents during these difficult times: FREE 15-minute TeleHealth Check-In For online booking only, I am offering FREE 15-minute TeleHealth Check-In appointments. New patient, first appointment only. Check-in with a medical question.  Traditional to holistic, all questions welcome as my approach encompasses body, mind, and spirit. …Read More

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Peppermint

“It cured my abdominal pain,” my patient announced, “You should recommend this to everyone.” In fact, I had been recommending the essential oil peppermint to patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but this personal testimonial made me even more of a believer. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a constellation of symptoms that include abdominal pain …Read More

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (Broken Heart Syndrome) ~ Mind-Body Connection

If you have ever had any doubt about the mind-body connection or the effect of emotional stress on your system, scientists have “discovered” the Broken Heart Syndrome. Named from the Japanese “tako tsubo” (octopus trap), the syndrome causes weakness and bulging at the apex of the heart making it look like an octopus trap and causing …Read More

Call for “Stories in Medicine”

The practice of medicine struggles with the often conflicting perspectives of healing, marketing, and money. How can we explore the stories in medicine? The frame of storytelling offered by Annette Simmons in The Story Factor describes six types of stories of influence: who am I, why am I here, vision, teaching, values, and elephant in the …Read More

Eat Nutrient Dense Foods ~ Dr. Joel Fuhrman

“Clearly, it is difficult to eat healthfully in our crazy world, where it seems that everyone else is on a mission to commit suicide with food.” ― Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss Fuhrman’s Equation for Health: H = N / C Health Expectancy = Nutrients / …Read More