Body wisdom exercises to move from anxiety to calmness ~ Suzanne Scurlock

During times like these, it’s easy to feel powerless, helpless, and even fearful — from mild anxiety all the way to total terror. Perhaps you’re being re-triggered in ways you thought you’d resolved. Overpowering feelings — of any kind — can cause us to  separate from our body. When that happens, predominantly linear thinking (i.e., …Read More

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (Broken Heart Syndrome) ~ Mind-Body Connection

If you have ever had any doubt about the mind-body connection or the effect of emotional stress on your system, scientists have “discovered” the Broken Heart Syndrome. Named from the Japanese “tako tsubo” (octopus trap), the syndrome causes weakness and bulging at the apex of the heart making it look like an octopus trap and causing …Read More