Get up and move

In my recent post, I told you why I’m just tired of sitting. Now I’m going to tell you what I’m currently doing about it.

Get up and move.

One great resource is the 10 to 15 minute stretch and exercise video on YouTube. There are many of them out there to try.

This virtual world leaves me with more hours at my desk.

As if pulled into the screen, my poor collapsed posture leads to pain and stiffness. The solution? Get up and move. To live in the present moment also means to tune in and know when it’s time to get up and move. However, sometimes I get caught in the cycle of one more email or click on that one interesting link that takes me down the Internet funnel or social media time drain.

Commit to short breaks.

When I feel the weight of the busy world, I sometimes don’t feel comfortable committing to an hour routine or have time to go to an exercise studio or gym, but I can do several 15 minute blocks throughout the day. If I can’t remember, I set a timer or alarm. If I’m going to sit for a long project that will take all day, I set the timer to go off on the hour and remember to get up and take a break from sitting.

Try out some of these exercise videos. Find more online. Explore until you find the one for you.

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