Abby the Spoon Lady

“My name is Abby and I’m a spoon player. I’m not fancy, I’ve just learned to puff my chest out a bit. Through a series of miscellaneous circumstances, I have come to be known as the “Spoon Lady” and I’ve enjoyed the ride.”
~ Abby the Spoon Lady, from

If you have seen her play, you know that you can’t take your eyes off of her. She is completely present with the instrument, the music, the rhythm. She brings you into complete presence in the moment along with her. You can’t help going along for the ride. You can’t help being completely present in the wonder of it all — completely captivated!

Abby the Spoon Lady: Spoon Player, Storyteller, Activist

Her story begins as a hobo, hopping freight trains, hitchhiking. She found the spoons one day and started just going up and playing with street bands. Now she is a well-known performer of the spoons. She travels to music and storytelling festivals to share her story.

Showing is better than telling.

Watch Abby the Spoon Lady perform on video.

Here she performs with the one-man band, Chris Rodrigues.

Spoon Solo with Abby the Spoon Lady

Do you want to learn to play the spoons? Watch her video.

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