Winter Solstice ~ Season of Yule

December 21st marks the Winter Solstice. This is the darkest of days — the day with the shortest daylight hours. From here on out, the days get longer. Even in the depth of the winter season, this is the day to celebrate the returning of the light.

My friend Janis McCall lives in Scotland where the Winter Solstice has deep significance. Celtic traditions are deeply rooted in the cycles of the sun, earth, and moon. The rhythms of the seasons allows us to mark time.

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…”
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

In this season, my friend Janis McCall and I have written the beginning of a prayer honoring the time of Yule (Winter Solstice), a time for introspection.

Our Prayer

I call upon the deep Celtic Wisdom of the ancestors connected to the land and the Cycle of the Year. I pray for a sense of community and belonging in the world.

I call upon the spirits of the season of Yule, Winter Solstice, the darkest day and the returning of the light. I give gratitude for the quiet time to gather my resources. Help me to contemplate the source of community and belonging.

Join us in the upcoming webinar series: Exploring Celtic Wisdom – Season of Yule

Only on Winter Solstice does the sun streams into the megalith tomb at Newgrange. Watch the livestream video.

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