Take Your Medicine Wheel

“You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle. That is because the power of the world always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle, from childhood to childhood. And so it is in everything where the sacred power moves.”
~ Hehaka Sapa (Black Elk), Oglala Lakota

There are many teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel. One is the circle, representing the cycle of life. Just as the seasons transition through Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, so does the developmental cycle of our lives. Our goals during the Spring of our childhood are much different from the Winter years of the wise elders.

In the annual retreat in Sedona, Arizona, each January, the Release and Renewal workshop with Dr. Joel Ying and Suzanne Scurlock uses the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel to manifest our intentions for the New Year. We gather in a safe and healing community to connect to our deepest wants for the coming year. We support each other to create sacred space and sacred ceremony as we walk the perspectives of the each direction on the medicine wheel to gain wisdom as we transform those wants into clear intentions. Suzanne Scurlock’s grounding meditation guides us into deeper embodiment of our soul’s purpose. Dr. Joel Ying touches the heart and opens the mind with masterful storytelling and teachings. The universe listens when our prayers are clear and complete.

Circle of Life

The human developmental cycle is represented in this adaptation from several Medicine Wheel teachings and traditions.

Among other powerful processes, together we’ll walk this sacred circle beginning in the center at the Children’s Fire and move step-by-step through each point of power on the Wheel. Each direction will give us a new perspective, a new piece of wisdom, as we clarify our intentions.

Children’s Fire in the Center

Here we will gather the resources that will nurture the seedling of an idea that’s buried inside of you.

The Men’s Lodge of the East

Here you’ll awaken your mind. And get crystal clear on what you want to bring into your life — and what to leave behind.

The Peacekeepers Lodge of Southeast

This is where you’ll make peace with the primary issue you’ve come to work with. Then you can finally move forward unencumbered by regrets.

The War Chiefs Lodge of the South

This Lodge reveals what’s truly important to you. So you know what to take a stand for. And where to invest your time and energy.

The Storyteller Lodge (Singers and Mediums) of the Southwest

Here you’ll uncover your personal story and the patterns that have held you back in the past. So you can look to the future without hitting the same old walls.

The Women’s Lodge of the West

This is where you’ll learn how to process your emotions efficiently. So they no longer have a hold on you. And you’re free to make empowered decisions.

The Council Lodge of the Northwest

Now you’ll see all your best options clearly. By cultivating your own personal Council here, you’ll know what to say YES to. And what to let go of.

The Hunters and Gatherers Lodge of the North

Here you’ll enter the Land of Spirit. And you’ll discover how to take the decisions you made in the Medicine Wheel into your daily life.

The Dog Soldier’s Lodge of the Northeast

This is where you’ll give voice to any last unseen, voiceless or vulnerable part of you that needs to be heard to prevent self-sabotage.

And finally, you’ll return to the Children’s Lodge one last time.

May this or something greater come to pass.

Together we’ll celebrate all the wisdom you gained in your journey around the Wheel. We distill that wisdom into a personal blessing and intention to carry into the new year and manifest our soul’s calling.

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