Call for “Stories in Medicine”

The practice of medicine struggles with the often conflicting perspectives of healing, marketing, and money. How can we explore the stories in medicine? The frame of storytelling offered by Annette Simmons in The Story Factor describes six types of stories of influence: who am I, why am I here, vision, teaching, values, and elephant in the …Read More

#26: Storytelling as Medicine (Caren Neile)

In my expanded definition, “medicine” is anything that heals the body, mind, emotions, or spirit. As a physician, this includes the Western medications that I prescribe, but it goes beyond to include so much more. In every conversation, it is important to define the context and agree upon the definitions that we are using. Here …Read More

Narrative Medicine ~ Rita Charon

Narrative Medicine fortifies clinical practice with the narrative competence to recognize, absorb, metabolize, interpret, and be moved by the stories of illness. ~ Dr. Rita Charon With the age of science and objectivity applied to modern medicine, little space is left for empathy and emotions. “Just the facts” has become the litany that creates a …Read More