Setting Intentions for 2023 ~ Online Workshop

gray and black galaxy wallpaper

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”

~ Paulo Coelho

As the year comes to a close, I look back at what I have accomplished. Then, I look forward, what do I want for this new year? The universe will help me to achieve it…

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

~ The Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” (adapted)

Every year, I face the challenge of figuring out where I want to go. What is my sacred path? Where does my soul want me to go? What is my sacred intention for 2023? Perhaps you ask yourself the same question.

This process takes introspection and deep listening. I enjoy working with Suzanne Scurlock’s Wisdom Areas to listen more deeply to the inner voice of spirit. In doing so, I create a fully embodied prayer as the roadmap to help manifest my New Year Intention. Then, I invoke the great energy of the Universe to conspire in helping me to achieve this new story.

Here’s the current draft that I’m working with… the clock is ticking on 2022…

My Personal Prayer for 2023

Spirit of the Universe,
My intention is to support relationships and create community with my gifts of healing body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

I call upon the Wisdom of the Heart,
I give gratitude for the passion for storytelling, teaching, and healing.
I ask for support in keeping the joy of my heart ignited with the courage to follow my heartsong.

I honor the Wisdom of the Gut.
Thank you for my inner knowing and intuition as the connection to Spirit.
Help me to listen deeply and trust the small still voice to guide me back onto the path again and again.

I settle into the Wisdom of the Pelvis.
I am grateful for my creativity and energy.
I ask for continued creativity to see new stories, directions, and paths. Give me the wisdom to use my energy sustainably.

I call upon the Wisdom of the Integrated Brain.
I give thanks for my love of detail and planning.
I ask for continued support to see the bigger picture and the un-limiting beliefs that open the path ahead.

Spirit of the Universe,
In gratitude, I call upon the Wisdom of my Full Body Presence to hold, support, and manifest this intention.
May this or something greater come to pass.

Join Suzanne Scurlock and Dr. Joel Ying in setting your own intention, creating a prayer, and crafting a blessing to carry you into 2023. The online workshop guides you with Suzanne’s presence process through the Wisdom Areas of the body and Dr. Joel’s gift of sacred space and rich storytelling. New stories! New prayer process! New friends! New community!

Release & Renewal New Year Retreat:
Manifesting Your Soul Intentions Through Your 6 Wisdom Areas

Instructors: Dr. Joel Ying & Suzanne Scurlock

Jan 6 – 8, 2023

1pm – 5pm Eastern Time

Click below for more information and registration.