New Year’s Intention – What the world needs

“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
― Howard Thurman.

What makes you come alive? What inspires you? What fills you with spirit? To come alive is to live a spiritual life. To come alive is living the present moment.

The tradition of New Year’s Intentions calls us to review the past year — what is working and what is not — and focus on the changes that we would like to see in the coming year. The cycle of the year has come to a close, and a new one is beginning. What are your New Year’s Intentions?

What brings you alive?

This question connects me to my passion and purpose. Without this connection, the goals that I have set in the past eventually lose momentum and fade away.

This year, I plan to start with this connection to my aliveness. Then, the New Year’s intentions and more detailed goals will be clearer.

Living the Present Moment

In January 2017, I officially launched this blog, re-branded my monthly newsletter, and started an online study group with an interview series.
One of my friends asked mid-year, “What kind of blog?”
“I want to share more of me with the world. I explore the topic of Living the Present Moment in Body, Mind, Emotion, and Spirit,” I replied.
“Oh,” he said, “a spiritual blog. That’s refreshing in this time when everyone is writing about politics.”

It was a sudden surprise to have my blog labeled as Spiritual. I thought of it as Practical Wisdom. David Steindl-Rast tells us that spirituality comes from the word spirit (that thing that animates us). Spiritual is anything that brings us more alive. Spirituality is aliveness.

Physician, Educator, Storyteller

This year, my intention focuses on 3 aspects that bring me alive. Physician is the profession to which I have been called. This training has transformed who I am and how I view the world. Educator is my intellectual drive to teach and share knowledge. Storyteller is my latest passion. With story, I connect to audiences, captivate, entertain, and share wisdom.

New Year’s Intention

This year, I plan to focus on these 3 aspects of Physician-Educator-Storyteller in my Blog, Newsletter, and Courses. The Online Study Group Interview Series will continue with a wider range of people who are Living their Present Moment. I hope to capture their stories and their Practical Wisdom on what it is that brings them alive. I plan to continue to find people that inspire me (and I hope will also inspire you). This month of January, I plan deep introspection and change. As the year progresses, I plan to continually re-evaluate by asking myself the question that I invite you to ask as well….

What brings you alive? Go do that!

May the Blessings of Aliveness follow you into a Happy New Year!

Dr. Joel Ying, MD
