Dr. Joel Ying,  Physician-Educator-Storyteller

Living the present moment is about mindfulness. When we can focus on the here and now, we do not suffer the anxiety of the future or dwell on the past. How do we get to this state? By making peace with the stories that we carry, finding meaning, and moving forward with stories that are inspiring and life enhancing.

Join me in the exploration of storytelling as healing.

Welcome to my blog!

  • It wasn’t fun anymore…

    It wasn’t fun anymore…

    In 2018, I competed with one of my stories in the Toastmasters International Speech contest. Telling good stories is an essential part of giving speeches. While a speech concentrates on transmitting information and a message, the essence of story is to entertain with an often emotional journey. On the road to becoming the World Champion…

  • It goes on …

    “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.” ~ Robert Frost On his 80th birthday in March of 1954, Robert Frost was interviewed by journalist and self-help writer, Ray Josephs. In September 1954, the Sunday newspaper supplement “This Week Magazine” published “Robert Frost’s Secret” by Josephs which included…

  • Play is more than fun ~ Stuart Brown

    Play is more than fun ~ Stuart Brown

    Stuart Brown wrote the book on Play… literally. Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown “When we play, we are engaged in the purest expression of our humanity, the truest expression of our individuality… we feel most alive…” ~ Stuart Brown Play is a profound biological…

Dr. Joel Ying, MD


office: (239) 200-6796
email: [email protected]

Physician—There is no way to not be changed by a training as rigorous as the art of doctoring. Those years of “growing up” as a medical student forever changed who I am and how I see the world. Medicine is always advancing, so I am a lifelong learner. Exploring holistic medicine and tai chi, I discovered the mind-body connection and found wisdom in living the present moment.

Educator— As a doctor, I empower others with knowledge as I guide them on the road to health. I discovered my role as a teacher. With a calling to pass on knowledge that can heal body, mind, and spirit, I write this blog, publish a newsletter, facilitate workshops, and teach courses online and at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Storyteller—One day, I walked into a meeting on public speaking. I was expecting to hear a speech, instead someone told a story. I immediately felt the captivating power of story to move emotions and create an experience, and I thought … Wow, I want to be able to do that! Storytelling has become my passion and my peace work. I doctor, teach, and perform with stories.

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