New Year Intentions ~ New Normal

In March of 2019, with a pandemic looming on the horizon in the United States, I decided this was a good time to take a break. (I was determined to make the most of a strange situation. How long could this last anyway?) I rested, then I watched video courses on Storytelling from home. Then, I watched Netflix documentaries. Then, I rested. I read some books that I’ve been meaning to read for years. Then, I binged on Netflix series because I needed to “catch up.” I was shocked at how much time I spent… eating and preparing to eat. Then, I rested.

After a month, I was getting anxious — not doing anything, no regular routine to make the days different, not having regular human contact. I started calling up friends and joining video conferences. “You are so lucky that you live alone,” said a friend who is married with kids. “We are all getting on each others’ nerves. I hope my marriage survives this.” After a month, the extroverts understood what it was like for the introverts trapped with people, and the introverts (like myself) understood how extroverts feel after an hour alone.

Initially, I didn’t make a plan. It was day by day. As things stretched on, I realized that I needed a plan, a direction, a clear intention… Life was passing me by… What could I still do that I enjoyed? How could I keep my sanity? What is the path forward?

New Year Intentions

On this cusp of the New Year, when all the norms have been shattered, everyone is settling into some “new normal.” There are those that pivot to new opportunities and those that are left behind hankering for the “good old days.” Which one are you?

The path forward in 2022 is to clarify your intention by deeply listening to your Inner Wisdom, releasing the old ideas of what that intention should look like, and adapting to changing world in a way that is in alignment with your intention.

Find your path in 2022


The truth is, your mission and purpose are alive inside of you right now. Join the sacred space of storytelling and a powerful intention setting process to jump start the year.

“Release & Renewal New Year Retreat:
Manifesting Your Soul’s Intentions
Through Your 6 Wisdom Areas”

Co-Instructors: Suzanne Scurlock and Dr. Joel Ying

We are live online January 7-9 at 1-5 pm Eastern Daily. Go here to discover more >>

Join us for sacred storytelling and rich Soul Embodiment® practices that renew your connection to your Spirit, settle your Mind and Emotions with a clear intention, and awaken your life purpose to move the Body into action. >>

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