~Morning Prayer Poem by John O’Donohue
Somewhere, out at the edges, the night
Is turning and the waves of darkness
Begin to brighten the shore of dawn
The heavy dark falls back to earth
And the freed air goes wild with light,
The heart fills with fresh, bright breath
And thoughts stir to give birth to color.
I arise today
In the name of Silence
Womb of the Word,
In the name of Stillness
Home of Belonging,
In the name of the Solitude
Of the Soul and the Earth.
I arise today
Blessed by all things,
Wings of breath,
Delight of eyes,
Wonder of whisper,
Intimacy of touch,
Eternity of soul,
Urgency of thought,
Miracle of health,
Embrace of God.
May I live this day
Compassionate of heart,
Clear in word,
Gracious in awareness,
Courageous in thought,
Generous in love.
Morning Blessings
John O’Donohue is one of my favorite poet mystics. His words awaken a soul connection to the natural world. A friend recently sent me this poem, reminding me to invoke a blessing each morning. The excerpt below gives me pause these mornings. I hope the words bring blessing to your life as well.
I arise today
Blessed by all things
…May I live this day
Compassionate of heart,
Clear in word,
Gracious in awareness,
Courageous in thought,
Generous in love.
From John O’Donohue’s Book:
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings