Listening to the Words with David Hauenstein

David Hauenstein uses his skill of reading “out loud” to produce dynamic and captivating radio-type programs. Reading the text of someone else has the potential to be very boring, but not when read by David.

“Radio can be one of the best modern examples of one on one communication. I hear myself talking not to an audience but to one listener at a time. When you, that listener, buy into this, it happens.”

Born in 1938, David remembers when radio was the main entertainment. Today, radio makes us think of music, but storytelling programs were among the popular entertainment of the day. David has hosted different radio programs in his career. Now retired at Shell Point in Fort Myers, he has found a passion to continue bringing the printed word alive.

“Radio has no pictures to show you the story. As your reader-host, I lift the words off the printed page so you can use your imagination to paint your own pictures. This radio-like program is not about leaving out the pictures; it’s about listening to word pictures in a different way.”

Hearing my own words read by someone else and feeling them jump off the page, I was honored to be part of his 300th program. The text comes from my blog post, “Healing with Horses.

 Program 300

March 26, 2018- 300th Program of Listening to the Words
“Pope Francis Appears on TED TALKS”
“Change of Heart Brings Down a Confederate Flag” by Steve Hartman
“Growing Up In South Africa” by Tanya Hockschild of Shell Point
“Lost In Yosemite Park In The Winter” by Jennifer Molidor
“The Legacy of Steven Hawking”
“Healing With Horses” by Dr. Joel Ying of Naples
“Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth” by Doug Lennox
“Cowboy Takes A Fall From The Balcony”

Visit David Hauenstein’s show online: Listening to the Words.

Listen to one of the famous Radio Storytellers: Garrison Keillor

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