I’m tired of sitting down

I used to want to sit down when I’m tired. Now with an overabundance of virtual meetings on the computer, I’m just tired of sitting down. With my eyes on the computer screen, my head falls forward, shoulders hunch up, back rounds in a slouch, and my body gets stiff. When I look up at the clock, an hour has slipped by unnoticed as I stretch out the pain and stiffness.

I’m just tired of sitting!

Today, I decided to start a new exercise plan that starts with stretching and strength. More on that another time.

Many health pundits out there advocate getting out of our seats from our day to day activities with more standing and more movement. When the ten pounds of your head looks down at your phone, you are off balance. When the car seat forces you into a bucket position, your spine looses its natural position. How can we decrease neck and back pain from sitting?

From gym exercises to dance and yoga, there are a wide variety of ways that you can introduce movement routines into your life. Today, I’m noticing my daily habits and integrating new habits to get myself out of the office chair. Take a chair break. Stand, squat, stretch, and move.

Here’s a video that might convince you to stand up, stretch your spine, and assume a strong posture. (Excuse his corny humor.)

Why Sitting Down Destroys You by Roger Frampton