Episode 5: Zen Buddhism (Laurie Lyons)

Interview Series by Dr. Joel Ying.

“People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.”


Laurie Lyons is a co-founder of Open Mind Zen Naples, a center devoted to the practice of mindfulness meditation and yoga in Naples, Florida. She is a lay monk in the Open Mind Zen School and a long-time practitioner of Ashtanga yoga. This interview took place just after hurricane Irma in September  2017, and I am grateful that we were able to meet as scheduled.

The original teachings of Buddhism are from India. When the teachings came to Japan and took root in the Japanese culture, the lineage became known as Zen Buddhism. At the heart of Zen Buddhism is the practice of meditation. In this conversation, we explore the experience and wisdom of this practice.

In this podcast …

  • Learn about the mindfulness meditation of Zen Buddhism.
  • Discover the path of a lay monk.
  • Explore how meditation and yoga change the mind and body.

Visit Laurie Lyons online at openmindzennaples.com.

Recorded: Fri Sep 15, 2017, at 12:30pm ET on LivingthePresentMoment.com/studygroup

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