Crazy Hair Videos! How did that happen?

What happens when you let your hair down? Let it all loose? Relax and open the space for playful exploration? Add a video camera?

Crazy Hair Videos!

A mild-mannered physician transforms into the over-the-top alter-ego Dr. Handsome with his wild sidekick Dr. Love. Handsome and Love share their sweet salty, funky fun, playfully profound thoughts on life.

Dr. Love is a counselor and mind-body therapist originally from the wild and crazy jungle of South America. Dr. Handsome is a holistic physician, workshop leader, college professor, and professional storytelling performer. In our real lives, Leonor Reales and Dr. Joel Ying, we know how to be serious (mostly). With crazy hair videos, we let it all go wild. No scripting. Spontaneous fun! Just hit the record button and PLAY. We are out-of-the-box in our professional lives. We bring that to our videos with authenticity, creativity, depth, and profound fun!

Do you want to see more Crazy Hair Videos with Handsome and Love?

Watch the YouTube video below. Subscribe to the Crazy Hair Videos YouTube Channel. #CrazyHairVideos … There’s even a website: How did this all happen in one weekend? I’m still trying to figure it out.

We need your ideas? What do you want to hear about? Let us know what you think.  Leave us some comments on YouTube or send an email to [email protected].

And remember, “I’m Dr. Joel Ying, but you can call me Handsome!”

Crazy Hair Video: “Change Your Music, Change Your Life”