Conserve Toilet Paper

“One of the most jolting days of adulthood comes the first time you run out of toilet paper. Toilet paper, up until this point, always just existed. And now it’s a finite resource, constantly in danger of extinction, that must be carefully tracked and monitored, like pandas?”
~ Kelly Williams Brown, Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps

It is strange to wake up into a world where toilet paper is a scarce resource. In order to deal with our serious world, sometimes I have to take a break and see the humor. Life is better if you can laugh. (And it’s easier to laugh if you actually have toilet paper. Just an observation.)

What do you do if you are sitting there (you know where), and you suddenly notice … there’s no toilet paper! Panic. Your heart starts to race. The voices are yelling inside your head. Sh… Shucks! What do you do?

Many years ago, I went to visit my uncle and his family. My 12 year old cousin had just come back from summer camp. He was super-excited to share all about camp and the new things that he had learned.

In one of their activities, the counselors had posed a shocking question to the group: “You’ve finish on the toilet at the camp, and you just notice that there’s no toilet paper. What do you do?”

(Yes, the counselors were prepared to entertain pre-pubescent boys.)

Here were some of the top answers that I remember.

Q: What would you do if you ran out of toilet paper?

  1. use a leaf
  2. use your clothes
  3. ignore it
  4. wash it
  5. call for a friend
  6. let it dry … (This was my cousin’s favorite.)

In this time when toilet paper (TP) is scarce, …

“The worst job in the whole world must be recycling toilet paper.”
~ Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

Recycle. Reuse. Minimize waste.
Conserve toilet paper. Use both sides.