Chakras Explained ~ Avatar: The Last Airbender

“Chakras are like Chocolate!” declared my yoga teacher.

The one thing I know about Chakras is how to pronounce the word … like “Chocolate.”  I do not know that there is any other similarity with the bitter-sweet delicacy made from the roasted and ground cacao bean.

What are Chakras?

Today, scientists know that the body is more than a physical structure. Energy or lifeforce flows through the body. In Ayurvedic medicine from India, that energy is called prana. Chakras are energy centers through which the prana flows. In this model, problems can arise when the energy gets “stuck” or the flow is disrupted as the energy rises from the base to the crown.

Chakras map.svg
By mpanOwn work, based on File:Czakry.png, CC0, Link

My favorite explanation of Chakras comes from an American animated series that borrows elements from Japanese Anime and American Cartoons. In America, animated cartoons are associated with children or Disney movies. Japanese Anime is mainly for adult entertainment with adult themes. The Avatar cartoon series (which is very different from James Cameron’s Avatar science fiction movie) is for children, but is just as fascinating to adults as it incorporates teachings from both East and West.

Avatar: The Last Airbender explains Chakras

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