Storytelling as Medicine, Online Courses

I’m a physician and storyteller. How does a physician become a storyteller? Well, that’s a long story (coming soon), but right now I’ll just say that “healing” comes to us in so many different way. Today, along with my stethoscope and my prescription pad … I carry stories as my medicine. Stories are Medicine Stories …Read More

Storytelling as Medicine ~ Workshop

For many indigenous peoples, “medicine” is anything that heals the body, mind, emotions, or spirit. Beyond the herbs and drugs to heal the physical body, this expanded definition of “medicine” includes the healing power of stories to change our hearts, inspire our spirits, and move our minds past limiting beliefs. When we release our raw …Read More

Telling the Difficult Story

“We know from the testimony of both victims and perpetrators that silence makes abuse possible.” ~Loren Neimi and Elizabeth Ellis, Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories We tell our difficult stories to make the world a better place. In therapy or therapeutic safe space, sharing our raw stories allows us to process emotions, …Read More