This Is Going to Hurt ~ Adam Kay

The double doors burst open breaking the anticipatory silence. The ambulance had called ahead. The paramedics rushed the gurney into the emergency room bay. One person was on the gurney doing chest compressions. One of the other voices yelled, “62-year-old African American female found unresponsive…” As the medical student, I had been prepped by my …Read More

Motivating lasting change: Fear vs. Efficacy

About 40 years ago, dentists in Connecticut ran an experiment.1 They wanted to know how to motivate people to brush and floss their teeth. They decided to try the well-known tactic–scare them into doing it. They randomized a large group of subjects into two groups. They gave one group an informational video of why and …Read More

The Doctor ~ Luke Fildes

Medical education has long praised the advances in medical science. We cannot deny that scientific advances like antibiotics and new surgical techniques have saved lives. In fact, the first couple years of medical school in the United States focuses on anatomy, physiology, biology, pharmacology, and many other -ologies. In 1890, as medical science was advancing, …Read More