Understanding the Four Elements as Metaphor

The classical Greeks and many ancient cultures divided the world into four elements: fire, earth, water, air. Everything was thought to be composed of some combination of these four elements. The intersection of these four elements creates life. Today, we have other scientific models for the makeup of the universe. From molecules to atoms to …Read More

Storytelling in Southwest Florida: New Year, New Stories

What is a storyteller? Someone who tells a story? “Storytelling” is a word used in many different contexts, and hence confusion. We remember books read to us as a child, and often storytelling as “story-reading” is the only definition some have encountered. Sometimes, it is also applied to novelists, essayists, playwrights, and movie directors. In …Read More

The Medicine Wheel, Upcoming Workshop

Scattered across North America are stones arranged in a circle like spokes on a wheel. These sacred sites were built long ago by the Native American peoples, and continue to be sacred to those that build them today. Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming is one of the most well-known. At nearly 10,000 feet elevation …Read More