Release & Renewal ~ New Year’s Retreat 2020

“Beautiful experience allowing you to dive inwards and pull up what allows us to truly grow…” ~J.V., New York About a decade ago, I had what I like to call my early early pre-pre-pre-mid-life crisis. (There have been a few others since.) Endless loops of thought. “Is this what I should be doing? Is this …Read More

#31: Spirit of the Shamanic Drum (Stephen Cavitt)

“What we are hungry for in the Western world is a reanimation of spirit.” ~ Prof. Stephen Cavitt The shaman enters the dream-like state to bring back wisdom, guidance, and healing. There are many ways to navigate the multiple layers of reality. One of those ways is the drum. Many shamanic traditions use the hypnotic …Read More

Look to this Day, for it is Life ~ by Kalidasa

Look to this Day,for it is Life – the very Life of Life.In its brief course lie all the veritiesand realities of your existence:the Bliss of Growth,the Glory of Action,the Splendor of Beauty.For yesterday is already a dreamand tomorrow is only a vision;but today, well-lived,makes every yesterday a dream of happinessand every tomorrow a vision …Read More

A Story is like water

Sometimes a story washes over you, cleanses you, and leaves you open to new possibilities. The National Storytelling Festival started 46 years ago in the small town of Jonesborough, Tennessee. Today, on this annual festival in October, the small town explodes as thousands and thousands come to listen to some of the best performers in …Read More

The Lion King – Circle of Life

Disney has become an iconic part of American culture. Reaching into the mythical stories from cultures around the world, Disney recreates those stories to bring the messages from those narratives into modern light. Pablo Picasso famously stated, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Pablo was a dramatic Spaniard; I prefer to say the secret of …Read More

Sacred Medicine Wheel – New Year’s Retreat

“Birth, Life, Death is a cycle, and they are all beautiful. You celebrate all of them.” ~ Cesar Milan The Native American teachings are connected to observation of the natural world. All over the natural world we see cycles. The cycle of the day and night. The cycle of the seasons. The cycle of life. …Read More