Admit or send home. The emergency room doctors have one basic decision. Is this person sick enough that they need to be admitted to the hospital? Or can they be treated and sent home to follow-up in the clinic? If you need hospital care, you are admitted under the care of your doctor. But if …Read More
Mondays and Holy Thursdays
I wish I could say that I was less confused. The garbage collection people sent me a notice to change the dates of collection from Wednesday and Saturday to Monday and Thursday. I’d like to set the record straight. In the age of euphemism starting sometime in the 1980’s, I understand that I might refer …Read More
Slip Sliding Away ~ Down the Grand Canyon
“you know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip sliding away.” Paul Simon was slip sliding away in my head as I made my way down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Shorts, T-shirt, hiking boots, sunglasses, hat, suntan lotion… backpack with water, trail mix, snack bars. The group of four of us …Read More
AI generated images
Open AI’s DALL-E is a major upheaval in the world of photography. If you’ve been hiding in a cave, you might not know that AI stands for “Artificial Intelligence.” You also might not know that major advances have been happening and the world of AI is now in beta testing by different companies releasing the …Read More
When Breath Becomes Air ~ Paul Kalanithi
“In that first year, I would glimpse my share of death. I sometimes saw it while peeking around corners, other times while feeling embarrassed to be caught in the same room.” ~ excerpt from Paul Kalanithi’s When Breath Becomes Air In his last year of training to become a neurosurgeon, Dr. Paul Kalanithi is diagnosed …Read More
Story: Never Forget – Unknown Soldier
Unsure of how to proceed, the young soldier prayed silently while he continued to pace. As if summoned by some invisible force, he homed in on one of the flag-swathed caskets. “I know this man,” he thought. His arms seemed to move of their own accord, placing the roses he held atop the coffin. ~ …Read More
I’m a ROCK star!
“I’ve got a teaching position for you.” Dr. Maria Roca, PhD, is the Director of the Roots of Compassion and Kindness (ROCK) Center at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in Fort Myers, Florida. Launched in 2020, ROCK promotes compassion, kindness, and empathy through education, action, and research. One important project of the center is teaching …Read More
Immigrant Picnic ~ Gregory Djanikian
Immigrant Picnic ~ By Gregory Djanikian It’s the Fourth of July, the flags are painting the town, the plastic forks and knives are laid out like a parade. And I’m grilling, I’ve got my apron, I’ve got potato salad, macaroni, relish, I’ve got a hat shaped like the state of Pennsylvania. I ask my father …Read More
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes ~ by Francis William Bourdillon The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one: Yet the light of a whole life dies When love …Read More
Fabry Disease ~ Slow Down
I shook the officer’s hand, and he let me go with a warning. Almost 20 years ago, I was driving through the beautiful state of Idaho. I was working there temporarily and exploring the parks and cities within several hours by car. I spent many weekends at Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park. …Read More