#30: Plant Medicine ~ Ayahuasca Church (Ryin Cornett)

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

The term “plant medicine” is often appropriated today to mean the mind-altering substances like ayahuasca, mescaline, and psylisibin. These “plant medicine” ceremonies have become trendy as a quick route to escape the mundane ordinary world and have a “spiritual experience.”

As a certified nutritionist, Ryin Cornett asks us to open our awareness to the fact that we use “plant medicine” everyday. We use caffeine to alter our mind, to wake us up. Others use tobacco to calm them down. We ingest sugar in power drinks to give us energy. These are all derived from plants.

From his own health struggles, Ryin Cornett has discovered his own path to healing with food as medicine. On his spiritual journey, he has also studied many paths including the “plant medicine” used in shamanic ceremony, even joining an Ayahuasca Church in Orlando.

Join Dr. Joel Ying and Ryin Cornett in this conversation as they dispel some of the myths and explore the topic of plant medicine.

In this interview …

  • What is plant medicine?
  • Discover the role of the shaman in ceremony.
  • What is an Ayahuasca Church?

Find Ryin Cornett online at dietorliveit.com.

Living the Present Moment – the Podcast Interview Series

“People of Passion and Purpose, Doing Interesting Things, Living the Present Moment”

Recorded: Wed Jun 12, 2019; Released: Fri Jun 14, 2019

Background Music: (public domain) Happy African Village by John Bartmann