Episode 5: Zen Buddhism (Laurie Lyons)

Interview Series by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.” LivingthePresentMoment.com/podcastshow Laurie Lyons is a co-founder of Open Mind Zen Naples, a center devoted to the practice of mindfulness meditation and yoga in Naples, Florida. She is a lay monk in the Open Mind Zen School and …Read More

Story: The Power of Kumbaya

In the 1960’s, a group of college students prepared for the Civil Rights campaign. There had already been violence against them. They knew that some of them might not return. They had called their families. This group had decided to stay. In their darkest hour, they united by singing an invocation, a Spiritual from the …Read More

Episode 4: Building A Vocal Community (Ysaye Barnwell)

Interview Series by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.” LivingthePresentMoment.com/podcastshow When people come together as a group and sing, there is something about it that makes people stop to listen. Dr. Joel Ying interviews Ysaye Barnwell, exploring how she builds vocal community in her workshops, seminars, …Read More

Episode 3: Connecting Hearts with Storytelling (Geraldine Buckley)

Interview Series by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.” LivingthePresentMoment.com/podcastshow “The shortest distance between two hearts is a story.” ~ Geraldine Buckley Dr. Joel Ying interviews Geraldine Buckley on her personal journey into the world of storytelling, from England to America, through prison (as a chaplain), …Read More

Taoist Story: The Farmer’s Luck

There was once an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically. “Maybe,” the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it two other wild horses. “Such good luck!” …Read More

Episode 2: Shamanic Wisdom of the Ancient Maya (John Kralovec)

Interview Series by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.” LivingthePresentMoment.com/podcastshow … Guest: John Kralovec gives a insightful interview on the Shamanic teachings of the Ancient Maya of South America. “We have forgotten who we are. We have forgotten why we’re here. We have forgotten how to live …Read More