Burnout Recovery

In 2007, I was burnt out–physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and cynical about the future. The daily grind of the hospital had left me with tattered ends. Everyday seemed to be the same. There was little sense of purpose. I decided to make some changes. Vacation helped, but then I returned to the same daily grind. …Read More

Crazy Hair Videos! How did that happen?

What happens when you let your hair down? Let it all loose? Relax and open the space for playful exploration? Add a video camera? Crazy Hair Videos! A mild-mannered physician transforms into the over-the-top alter-ego Dr. Handsome with his wild sidekick Dr. Love. Handsome and Love share their sweet salty, funky fun, playfully profound thoughts …Read More

Hope Springs Institute ~ Retreat Center

“From this place springs hope for inner and global peace” Hope Springs Institute proves that one person can manifest a dream by just being present to the calling. This retreat center has evolved into a non-profit, self-sustaining institute operated by a board of directors. Mission of Hope Springs Institute To provide sacred space for growth, …Read More

John Cleese: On Creativity

John Cleese is a writer, comedic genius, and co-creator of Monty Python (the comedy troupe). Creativity, he says, is elusive because it comes from the unconscious mind. While the conscious mind will “prime the pump” as you contemplate a problem, it is the unconscious mind that comes up with creative solutions. Creativity is not a talent …Read More

Steven Johnson – Play, Creativity, Invention

“Serious play is not an oxymoron; it is the essence of innovation.” —Michael Schrage Creativity and play are inextricably linked. If necessity is the mother of invention, play might just be the father. The interplay (pun intended) of necessity and playfulness have both brought the world some serious innovations. In the TED talk video below, …Read More

Tim Brown, Serious Play Conference

Creativity is stifled by the fear of judgment. We must go back to childhood playfulness in order to stimulate creativity. We need an environment of trust where we can play with ideas and feel free to make mistakes. In his TED talk at the Serious Play Conference (Yes, there is such a thing!), Tim Brown …Read More