“No story lives unless someone wants to listen.” ~ J. K. Rowling
World Storytelling Day celebrates the art of oral storytelling. People around the world tell and listen to stories in as many languages and as many places as possible on this one day, the March equinox. This day also marks the beginning of Spring — calling for new growth and new stories.

“There’s a saying in the oral tradition of storytelling that when you tell a story, it is no longer yours; it belongs to everyone who encounters it and everyone who takes it in.” ~ Ishmael Beah
Be a part of World Storytelling Day. Find someone and tell them your story. Find someone and ask them for their story. Storytelling is the art of connection. Through stories, we can gift someone our experiences or receive that gift from someone else. Storytelling builds community, creates empathy, and promotes positive understanding across and within groups and cultures.
In these times of “social distancing,” it’s even more important to stay connected. Call someone up on the telephone. Arrange a video conference. Gather a group for an online chat. Write a letter. Send an email. Combine the modern technology of communication with the ancient technology of storytelling. Remember that story-telling requires story-listening.
Storytelling is peace work.
“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ~ Philip Pullman