Welcoming the Other ~ Jim Brule

I recently took an online storytelling workshop with Jim Brule called “Welcoming the Other.” What could that be about? What does that have to do with storytelling?

Through this interactive workshop, I experienced the power of story to transport me into the experience of “the other” and awaken empathy and compassion. This is transformational storytelling.

“Tell Your Story, Transform Your Life.”

I am currently teaching a 6-week online class on the art and craft of the personal story called “Tell Your Story, Transform Your Life.” The act of reflection changes our perspective on the past events buried in long lost memories. When we find a thread of the past and pull at it, we can see it in the light of the present. For me, re-interpreting my childhood memories through the lens of today often provides new meaning. (Wow, I completely misinterpreted his motives. Is that what was going on?) This transforms my present and future outlook and actions in the world. I can also craft those stories to tell others and help transform the lives of others with the experience of my own revelation.

Transformational Storytelling

I suddenly saw the connection to Jim Brule’s work. Storytelling is transformational. In my online class, we recently explored the connection of folk tales and personal stories. While folk tales may no longer seem relevant in today’s world of personal stories, I was excited to see Jim Brule’s example of weaving the two together. The message of the personal story is magnified by the folk tale, and vice versa. Here is a beautiful story that inspires positive change in the world through its message.

Watch the story by Jim Brule, The Narrow Bridge