Walking with Your Prayer

“I have walked in the hills and forests with this prayer, whispered it into crystal rocks before casting them into wild flowing water. I say it aloud daily at my altar and silently in meditation at the new and full moon cycles.” ~ Janis McCall

When the events of the world seem so big, I struggle with what I can do as just one small person. My dear friend, Janis McCall, lives in her native Scotland with Celtic Wisdom that brings her close to nature. She reminds me that prayer can be active–walking with it, whispering it into the rocks and trees, casting it into the waters of the earth….

My Prayer

“This is a prayer I have been working with for a while,” says Janis. She has added to it and refined it over time. Today, she has given me permission to cast it into the Internet. She asks that we join her and create our own prayer for the world. Together, we can magnify the power of prayer to effect change, knowing that we are not alone in sharing a vision of healing for the world.

My Prayer ~ by Janis McCall

May All beings have safe shelter, a home
May they have nourishing food to eat, clean water to drink and fresh clean air to breathe
May they know, feel, give and receive Love
May they feel valued and have a sense of belonging, a community
May they hold sacred their stewardship of the Earth for the generations to come
May All live in harmony
May the Balance be restored

Closing out the year

As 2020 comes to a close in a world pandemic, may the power of prayer bring you peace and remind you that you are not alone. Prayer does not work without action, but action without prayer can leave us tossed in the uncertain seas of world events.

Love and Light,

Joel Ying and Janis McCall