Storytelling as Healing – A New Course at FGCU

It’s official. I’m teaching “Storytelling as Healing” at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in Ft Myers, Florida, for the Spring Semester that starts in January 2019. (Yes, I still have trouble calling January Spring, even in Florida, but that’s Academic Life.) As part of the Integrated Studies Department, the class will meet every Wednesday 4:30pm …Read More

A Story is like water

Sometimes a story washes over you, cleanses you, and leaves you open to new possibilities. The National Storytelling Festival started 46 years ago in the small town of Jonesborough, Tennessee. Today, on this annual festival in October, the small town explodes as thousands and thousands come to listen to some of the best performers in …Read More

FGCU Slam Storytelling, More to Come

“It has been said that next to hunger and thirst, our most basic human need is for storytelling.” ~ Khalil Gibran On Wednesday, September 26, 2018, more than 50 people gathered to share stories of “How I Got Here” at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in Fort Myers, Florida. The Wasmer Art Gallery in the …Read More

#21: The Story of HIV (Dr. Larry Friedman)

Time stood still. Even the air in the room refused to move, when Dr. Larry Friedman launched into a teaching story. As a resident doctor-in-training, we rotate through many different areas of medicine. Looking back at memorable moments during that time, the teachers that captivated me the most were the ones that told stories. In …Read More

SLAM Storytelling comes to FGCU

The contestants are on stage pouring out their deeply personal moments to a riveted audience. The laughter roars. Touching moments move us. We are all connected by the intricate web the storyteller weaves in just five minutes. It’s a contest, and the winner goes home with the prize for the best story. The judges are …Read More

Biology of Story – Interactive Documentary

 Biology of Story is “an interactive documentary about how we work with story and how story works with us.” The creator, Amnon Buchbinder, has created a website to navigate his short videos about storytelling at With a background in screenwriting, he expands this project to include the many different mediums through which story …Read More

Inoculative Expressions – watch my interview

Larnell Cross interviews slices of life in the art world outside the mainstream in his home town of Miami, Florida. His online talk show highlights diverse music, poetry, storytelling, dance and art. I met him in South Miami when I was performing my 90-minute storytelling show, “Legacy of Love,” at Tea & Poets. We sat …Read More

Story: Louise Bennett, National Treasure of Jamaica

“The children need to know their stories!” Louise Bennett, also known as “Miss Lou,” is a National Treasure of Jamaica. Listen to the podcast audio and read more about “Miss Lou” on my prior blog post. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living their present moment.”