Tell Your Story, Transform Your Life ~ Join the storytelling transformation

Tell Your Story, Transform Your Life Storytelling changed my life, and it can change yours. Storytelling is the art of connection. In a touch-deficit world, stories touch us deeply. Stories touch our emotions, change our minds, and inspire our spirits. We do not forget stories because stories make us feel. “I’ve learned that people will …Read More

#32: Storytelling Renaissance (Mary Lou Williams)

“Storytelling is not a lost art, but a found art!” Mary Lou Williams moved to South Florida to retire from a career in teaching and decided to take up a second career as a professional storyteller. In this interview … Find a local storytelling group in Florida at Living the Present Moment – Podcast …Read More

Call for “Stories in Medicine”

The practice of medicine struggles with the often conflicting perspectives of healing, marketing, and money. How can we explore the stories in medicine? The frame of storytelling offered by Annette Simmons in The Story Factor describes six types of stories of influence: who am I, why am I here, vision, teaching, values, and elephant in the …Read More

Release & Renewal ~ New Year’s Retreat 2020

“Beautiful experience allowing you to dive inwards and pull up what allows us to truly grow…” ~J.V., New York About a decade ago, I had what I like to call my early early pre-pre-pre-mid-life crisis. (There have been a few others since.) Endless loops of thought. “Is this what I should be doing? Is this …Read More