The Puzzle of Motivation ~ Daniel Pink

Are you motivated by the carrot or the stick? reward or punishment? These are the traditional motivators of most traditional business models. Reward the person who is most productive; punish those that fall short. Extrinsic Motivators Extrinsic incentives (like reward and punishment) work really well for activities that need narrow focus on a goal that …Read More

Rediscovering Play ~ Come play with us

Can you come out and play? Just show up at the Retreat Center of Hope Springs Institute, and let yourself be nurtured. Everything is included so you can relax – beautiful lodging surrounded by nature, gourmet meals, plenty of fun, and a Kindred Spirits Community. Rejuvenate with activities that stimulate creative expression in a community …Read More

John Cleese: On Creativity

John Cleese is a writer, comedic genius, and co-creator of Monty Python (the comedy troupe). Creativity, he says, is elusive because it comes from the unconscious mind. While the conscious mind will “prime the pump” as you contemplate a problem, it is the unconscious mind that comes up with creative solutions. Creativity is not a talent …Read More

Steven Johnson – Play, Creativity, Invention

“Serious play is not an oxymoron; it is the essence of innovation.” —Michael Schrage Creativity and play are inextricably linked. If necessity is the mother of invention, play might just be the father. The interplay (pun intended) of necessity and playfulness have both brought the world some serious innovations. In the TED talk video below, …Read More

What do you do when creativity stops?

“And then one day, the songs stopped coming, and while you’ve suffered from periods of writer’s block before, albeit briefly, this is something chronic. Day after day, you face a blank page, and nothing’s coming.” ~ Sting, Sing-Songwriter What do you do when creativity stops? Even a famous prolific singer-songwriter can run out of ideas. …Read More