Storytelling as Healing – A New Course at FGCU

It’s official. I’m teaching “Storytelling as Healing” at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in Ft Myers, Florida, for the Spring Semester that starts in January 2019. (Yes, I still have trouble calling January Spring, even in Florida, but that’s Academic Life.)

As part of the Integrated Studies Department, the class will meet every Wednesday 4:30pm – 7:15pm with a workshop format. We will explore storytelling and the many ways in which it is healing across the various disciplines. The class will focus on the oral tradition of storytelling in community circles and as a performance art. Much of the learning will be interactive and experiential. Everyone will get to craft and tell stories. We will all experience the gift of story-listening.

Healing means to return to wholeness—body,  mind, emotions, and spirit. We will explore the necessary requirements of storytelling: (1) the story, (2) the teller, (3) the listener, and (4) the story space. We will also explore what healing means from each of those aspects.

But most of all … we are going to have so much fun!

It’s an undergraduate course, upper level, limited enrollment.

Go the Course Schedule Search and type in my last name.

* on campus * off-campus * distance learning * cancelled * closed

Status Max Seats Seats Avail. WL Avail. CRN Course Title Credit Hrs. Comments Meet Times
Days — Times — Location
Instructor Part of Term
35 24 10 12877 IDS 4901 DIS: Storytelling as Healing 3 DIS: Storytelling as Healing.  Class : W — 04:30pm – 07:15pm — Holmes Engineering 330

Exam : W — 03:00pm – 05:15pm — Holmes Engineering 330

Ying, J. Full or Flex Term