“In the midst of taking a storytelling class, magic happened… As I am creating my story, I am the one healing and going through a huge transformation…. both naturally and deep within.” -MM
All good things must come to an end. (Even good stories.) My online storytelling class, “Tell Your Story, Transform Your Life: The Art and Craft of the Personal Story” is in our sixth and final week. I tell stories in the oral tradition, I use stories to teach, and I create the safe space for students to share stories. As we approach the last last week, I am amazed by the transformation of my students.
Their stories have bonded them into community. I can feel the increased confidence and excitement with every story they tell.
I’m so inspired by these students that I’m planning a new class, “Tell Your Story: Connect, Reflect, Heal.” (See details at the end of this post.)
Storytelling is the art of connection. As I have watched my students, the magic of the class has been the connection that can happen in the online world. Allowing others to experience this magic is the reason that I tell stories and teach storytelling.
The power of small groups never ceases to amaze me.
The class is taught in a virtual room. I tell stories and lecture in the “big room.” The class has a limited size so that we can have interactive discussions. Each session, we have breakout exercises where students go into “small rooms.”
Along with storytelling, I teach story-listening. I teach how to listen the story out of someone. On the other end of this, students experience being listened to deeply.
After they share in small group, I’m continually amazed by the excitement with which they return to the “big room.” For those intimidated by the larger group, these small groups create an intimate space to try out a story idea.
“I don’t know what I’m going to say until I actually say it.” I love working in the oral tradition. I have a story idea, and I tell someone about it. I watch myself tell the story, and I see the story reflected back in their reactions.
In personal stories, I look into our past with the new eyes of the present. Memories that I have not thought about in a long time get reframed with new meaning. My present self has a lot more experience.
“Is that what was happening?” I’m continually amazed how in retrospect and reflection, the stories that I was so attached to are somehow different. Sometimes I simply realize how funny they are! As people laugh at how I tell it, I laugh too. But I think to myself, it really wasn’t funny while it was happening. Then, I laugh even more. They say the different between tragedy and comedy is time.
Story circles heal us with the connection of community, having our stories witnessed, and feeling heard. When others connect to my story, I realize that “I am not alone.” As I reflect on the “meaning” of the story, I find “meaning” in life. I heal my stories, and sometimes I even escape a limiting belief with an “aha moment” that takes me by surprise.
Then there are the stories that I hear from others. Wow! As I take that experience into my life and realize how they interpret it, I realize that some of my life experiences could also be reinterpreted.
Stories are healing in so many ways. There is so much more magic in storytelling than I can put into a 6-week workshop, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. Beginners welcome! No experience necessary.
Join the Storytelling Workshop: Connect, Reflect, Heal

Tell Your Story: Connect, Reflect, Heal
Online Storytelling Workshop with Dr. Joel Ying, MD
Wednesdays 7pm – 8:30pm ET
July 8th – August 12th, 2020 (6 sessions)
Register before 6/29/20 with coupon code EARLY for $50 discount.