Steven Johnson – Play, Creativity, Invention

“Serious play is not an oxymoron; it is the essence of innovation.”
—Michael Schrage

Creativity and play are inextricably linked. If necessity is the mother of invention, play might just be the father. The interplay (pun intended) of necessity and playfulness have both brought the world some serious innovations. In the TED talk video below, Steven Johnson explores the origins of the computer. Most people attribute the invention of the computer to the military, but he traces it back to find the origins deeply rooted in our very human need for play.

Watch TED talk by Steven Johnson, “The playful wonderland behind great inventions”

Rediscovering Play

Do you want to find more play in your life? Access more creative flow? Or just have fun?

Join Dr. Joel Ying and Deb Jewett in a workshop to explore play and access creativity, inspiration, and joy. Storytelling, drumming, internally inspired movement, finger painting, vision boarding and more. September 12 – 15, 2019. Visit