Rediscovering Play ~ Come play with us

Can you come out and play?

Just show up at the Retreat Center of Hope Springs Institute, and let yourself be nurtured.
Everything is included so you can relax – beautiful lodging surrounded by nature, gourmet meals, plenty of fun, and a Kindred Spirits Community.

Rejuvenate with activities that stimulate creative expression in a community of open-hearted acceptance, the safe space to just be yourself, and plenty of time to relax.

Join Dr. Joel Ying and  Deb Jewett

for a Kindred Spirits Retreat

“Rediscovering Play”

Thursday, September 12, 2019 – Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hope Springs Institute, 4988 Mineral Springs Road, Peebles, Ohio 45660

Come Play With Us! Everyone welcome. No experience necessary.

Storytelling, Drumming, Finger Painting,
Free Movement, Creative Journaling, Vision Boarding,
Free Dancing, Yoga, Chi Gong,
Meditation, and more…

Everything is included for $845! (lodging, meals, supplies, activities)

Space is limited. We only have space for 20 participants.

Register Today at