Online Healing Session ~ Everything is Energy

Hello, I’m Dr. Joel Ying.

Welcome to this online healing session.

In this process of working together, we are connected by video conferencing or by telephone. I understand that not everyone can come to my office, so this process allows us to connect remotely. We are both in a quiet safe space, free from distractions.

Intrigued? This is what you might hear if you sign up for a session.

My role is to offer a supportive presence, deep listening, and allow you to tune in to the wisdom of your own body, mind, emotions, and spirit. This is a meditative, reflective process of inner exploration focusing on body intelligence. As a facilitator, I listen to your physical and energetic cues to also offer guidance with options and questions to move the conversation organically. This is a level of connection that does not usually happen in everyday conversation. From my own experience, having someone support me in this process helps to work through anxiety, avoidance, or any other difficult response that may come up. I find it easier to “get out of my head” or stop “drowning in emotion.”

Mind-Body Connection

As a holistic physician, I have witnessed the mind-body connection in healing.

In an emergency medical visit, we might limit ourselves to life-threatening physical problems and discuss physical treatments like surgery or medications.

In a holistic medical consultation, we have time to discuss the roots of a problem whether on a physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual level.

In a healing session, we hold space for healing to happen on all levels.


Everything is Energy

We work with the paradigm that “Everything is Energy” — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. All levels are interconnected and affect your health.

If you book a online healing session with me, the paradigm is one of empowerment to awaken your own inner guidance. We start with your intention which can be a physical sensation, mental limiting belief that you have encountered, emotional feeling or reaction, or sense of spiritual purpose. You might be working through a life challenge or decision. There might be a dream that is bothering you. We can start with, “I just don’t feel right” or “I don’t know where to start.” Together, we tune into your body intelligence to explore your issue more deeply and find wisdom.

As the energy shifts, you will feel the changes. You may feel the shift physically on the sensation level or just feel more open by attitude. You may feel movement after the stuckness of sadness, more grounded in the face of anxiety and fear, or just meditative calmness as you have taken the time to slow down and listen deeply to your own inner wisdom.

Still Intrigued?

Touch extends beyond the physical level.

I’ve been doing healing sessions with Craniosacral Therapy in my office for more than 10 years. I have been impressed by the power of safe nurturing physical touch to facilitate healing. However, our need for healing touch extends beyond the physical level. Do you remember the last time you were moved to tears? touched emotionally? Or you felt that someone connected to you intellectually? Minds touching? Or a spiritual connection? I have explored many embodiment practices like Healing from the Core, energy healing modalities, and mind-body coaching practices. The energetic connection is real. I have seen and experienced it.

Long distance sessions with clients (and as a client) have proven to me that touch extends across space and time. Remember the last time you felt the support of a friend over the telephone. Touch definitely extends beyond the physical.

New Offering

I am now opening these long distance online energy healing sessions to new clients. In the past, I have only offered this to select existing medical patients.

Experience it yourself!

Book an Online Healing Session with Dr. Joel Ying and Joy Health & Wellness, LLC

Online sessions via telephone or video conferencing are approximately 50 minutes in length.

Check out these Summer Special discounts.

First-timer Summer Package: three 30-minute sessions for $150. Each session followed by 10-minute for feedback.

First-timer Summer Special: For July and August 2019, new clients qualify for $50 Online Sessions (Save $100, Regularly $150) with Online Booking.

Summer Special: For follow-up clients, July – September 2019, $100 (Save $50, Regularly $150).

Online booking details at
or call 239-200-6796
or click below.

Book an Appointment