Healing Stories FGCU – Wed Apr 10, 2019

Healing Stories

performed in the oral tradition by
students of Integrated Studies “Storytelling as Healing” Course
with Dr. Joel Ying

Experience the power of story to heal, connect, and create community.

Wed Apr 10, 2019

Reception 5:30pm
Stories 6pm – 7:30pm

Cohen Center 247

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU)



Address:  Florida Gulf Coast University, 10501 FGCU Blvd S, Fort Myers, FL 33965

Campus Directions for Cohen Center (Student Center): Enter campus at main entrance on FGCU Blvd, turn LEFT at first stop sign, turn RIGHT at next stoplight, you are in the parking lot in front of Cohen Center. (Einsteins Bagels, Jamba Juice, Chick-fil-A are also in the Cohen Student Center). Go to 2nd floor to find Cohen Center 247. Visitors do not need a parking pass after 5pm.

Stories are Medicine

Join this showcase event.  My students at FGCU have been learning to tell stories in the oral tradition over the Spring Semester and now they will perform for the community. FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

If medicine is anything that heals the body, mind, emotions, or spirit. Stories are medicine.

From the personal story to the folk tale, and everything in between, all stories can be healing. Stories tell us that we are not alone. They give meaning to life. They can touch us and help us to heal our own emotional wounds or expand beyond limiting beliefs. Stories transmit experience, strength, and hope. Stories touch our minds to see things in a new way. They touch our emotions and heal our hearts. They inspire us with hope and give purpose and meaning to life. They can motivate us into action to change our bodies and the world around us. Stories change us and transform us.

The art and craft of oral storytelling creates an intimate connection and community in a way that no other form of storytelling can. Come and experience this ancient way of connecting.