Goddess Brigid – A Time for New Projects

Guest Blog Post by Janis McCall:

For those of you following my posts on the Celtic Calendar, we are entering the time of Imbolc. We honour the Goddess Brigid on February 1st (6 weeks after Winter Solstice). She is the dawn goddess, born at the exact moment of daybreak, Brigid rose into the sky with the sun, rays of fire beaming from her head. The infant goddess was fed with the milk from a sacred cow from the Otherworld.

As a Sun goddess her gifts are light (knowledge), inspiration, vital and healing energy of the sun.

As the Dawn goddess she is the symbol of a New Day Dawning, a new season, hints of Spring with bulbs emerging, snowdrops flowering, lengthening daylight hours.

She is a triple deity being the patron of poetry/words, healers and healing wells, the forge fire and metalwork. Brigid is also famous for her ability to unite warring factions by her example of goodness and compassion. She is also the protector of the home and hearth(home fires) and patron of craft workers.

Starting a New Project

Metaphorically, this is a good time to start a new project, making initial preparations to bring your dreams into the light. (A more auspicious time of beginnings than the deep winter of January 1st, this is the time to bring your seeds out of the darkness.) Ask for Brigid’s guidance to spark your ideas into action as you light a candle in her name.

Weaving Brigid’s Cross

By weaving Brigid’s Cross and placing it above a door or window, you will have the protection of Brigid. The video below shows traditional way of doing this but any bendable straw material or craft pipe cleaners will do, I have even used strips of coloured paper.

Brigid’s Blessings to you!