Find your punchline and deliver it ~ Michael Jr.

Comedian Michael Jr. will tell you that the secret to comedy is also the secret to life:

Instead of trying to get, find an opportunity to give.

When he shifted his mindset from getting a laugh to giving an opportunity for laughter, his comedy career (and his life) changed.


In comedy, there’s the setup and then the punchline.

First you setup expectations. The punchline happens when you change the direction in an unexpected way.

What happens? “Revelation, fulfillment, and joy that expresses itself as laughter.”


In life, the setup is what you get — talents, opportunities, resources. The punchline is what you give.

What happens? “Revelation, fulfilment, and joy…”

Do you know your setup? Do you know your punchline?

Find your punchline and deliver it.

Watch TED Talk by Michael Jr, “More than funny”

Explore Books and Videos by comedian Michael Jr.