Eat Nutrient Dense Foods ~ Dr. Joel Fuhrman

“Clearly, it is difficult to eat healthfully in our crazy world, where it seems that everyone else is on a mission to commit suicide with food.”
― Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

Fuhrman’s Equation for Health: H = N / C

Health Expectancy = Nutrients / Calories

If you want to be healthy, eat more nutrients and less calories. Nutrient dense foods can help you lose weight, reverse disease, and improve your immune system. Nutrients are the anti-oxidants and phytochemicals found mainly in vegetables, fruits, and beans. Processed foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients. Processed foods will damage your health.

“When you eat mostly high-nutrient foods, the body ages slower and is armed to prevent and reverse many common illnesses. The natural self-healing and self-repairing ability that is hibernating in your body wakes up and takes over, and diseases disappear. A nutrient-rich menu of green vegetables, berries, beans, mushrooms, onions, seeds, and other natural foods is the key to achieving optimal weight and health.”
― Joel Fuhrman, The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

Today, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is 55% processed and refined foods low in nutrients, 30% animal products, only 11% vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and 4% whole grains.

To prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancer, Dr. Joel Fuhrman advocates increasing the vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans in your diet.

While there are many different diets, each with conflicting advice. The clearest piece of advice that will improve health is to STOP processed foods. Increase the phytonutrients in your diet with vegetables, fruits and berries. We are usually hungry for nutrients, not for calories. Nutrient-rich foods will decrease hunger and improve your well being.

“You cannot buy your health; you must earn it through healthy living.”
― Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Fuhrman’s G-BOMBS improve your immune system

Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds (G-BOMBS) will supercharge your immune system, prevent cancer, and prolong life.

In the video below, you can hear the stories of patients that have reversed disease, improved health, lost weight, and weaned off medications.

Watch the TEDx Video by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman