Asian American Storytopia

A Message from Asian American Storytellers in Unity (AASIU): Last year, when the world shut down and anti-Asian violence increased, a group of Asian American storytellers began meeting weekly to provide support and friendship to its members. From this beginning, Asian American Storytellers in Unity grew into a collective whose mission is to promote and …Read More

Storytelling Benefits Healthcare Workers

“So how is our friend, Anne, today?” Immediately, my mind struggles with anxiety. I run thought the litany of options, “She’s ok.” “I don’t know.” “I can’t answer that question.” “I’m not sure.” …. I return the friendly smile as I ponder the question, and I say jokingly, “I’m not sure. We’ll have to ask …Read More

Why incompetent people think they’re amazing

“We don’t know what we don’t know.” Beginner’s Mind When I first discovered the art of storytelling performance, I had beginner’s mind. Here was my process: Pick a story that I like. Learn the story. Tell it. I relied on “natural talent.” Vocal variety, facial expressions, and gestures came naturally to me. Other skills had …Read More