One last chance to recite this poem for the year before Santa Claus goes to rest. He’s out there and very busy. You can track him on the Official NORAD website. Yes, the North American Aerospace Defense Command actually tracks Santa. (There’s a whole other story of how the U.S. military got involved in Santa …Read More
Category: Storytelling
Santa Claus – ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
I performed this poem at Brambles English Tea Room for Tea&Tales this holiday season on Sat Dec 9th and Thu Dec 14, 2017. Enjoy the video and read the poem below or pick up one of the many illustrated books as a gift this holiday season. “Happy Christmas to All!” The video includes an extended …Read More
Jamie DeWolf – The Exit Interview, Save a Life
Snap Judgment is a weekly storytelling radio show, but with a twist. “Stories with a Beat.” Spoken-Word Poetry meets edgy Storytelling, set to the beat of Music. LIVE Snap Judgement theater events showcase performances of featured tellers with a live band. The synergy between the music, poetry, and storytelling creates a powerful experience. Check out …Read More
“The Box” by Dr. Joel Storyteller
To my Storytelling Fans! I discovered this memory in a storytelling workshop several years ago with Kim Weitkamp. She is masterful in teaching how to find your story ideas, and I love sharing her technique of memory mapping in workshops. In 2013, my audience was Toastmasters so the memory became a speech for a contest. …Read More
Six-Word Stories
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” ~ Ernest Hemingway Can you create a story in 6 words? Ernest Hemingway met the challenge with his famous six-word story. Stories can take many forms. Most are more than 6 words. Movies, television, commercials, oral storytelling performance, novels, short stories … What makes a story? The elements of …Read More
Donald Davis: Tell me a story
“Tell me a story about when you were young.” If you’ve ever asked this question (or been asked), then you know the confused look that can follow. The question is way too general. Unless you have a catalog of stories already in your head, the mind goes blank. No memories are triggered. The secret is …Read More
Willy Claflin: Laugh with Maynard Moose
“Beware Beware the Bully Goat Grim” There is healing in laughter, especially the belly-rolling, milk-snorting, can’t-breath laughter. Watch the video below. Perhaps you have heard the story of the Billy Goat Grim, but this is a fractured version of the story, The Bully Goat Grim. The talented Willy Claflin performs with his “malaprop” puppet Maynard …Read More
Pandora’s Box: A Story of Hope
“Be careful! You might be opening a Pandora’s Box.” Today, this means that a seemingly small and innocent action might have large and dire consequences. What are the lessons that most people take from Pandora’s Box? Be cautious! Don’t be too curious! Be careful what you wish for! You might be opening a Pandora’s Box. …Read More
Huge success! My first solo performance
“May the legacy of love live on through all of you.” I am deeply grateful to the beautiful audience of 32 friends and “once upon a time” strangers that supported me in my first 90-minute solo performance yesterday (August 25, 2017). Ten years ago, I was a timid voice exploring public speaking through a local …Read More
The four universal healing salves
In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? Where we …Read More