#23: Thinking Directions (Jean Moroney)

“Writer, Teacher, and Mostly Recovered Nerd,” Jean Moroney works with ambitious individuals and teams who know sharpening their mental skills will give them a performance edge. She teaches thinking skills that help us make better judgment calls, align motivation with intentions, and cross the finish line sooner. She believes that we can all learn to …Read More

#22: Life Changes (Raquel Austin)

Imagine a Jewish girl born in Columbia attending a Catholic school, nearly converting, running away to New York, then Chicago, then spending 20 years in Jamaica to start Negril Yoga Center, the first yoga center in Jamaica. Raquel Austin’s life story is full of twists and turns and plenty of life changes. She shares her …Read More

#21: The Story of HIV (Dr. Larry Friedman)

Time stood still. Even the air in the room refused to move, when Dr. Larry Friedman launched into a teaching story. As a resident doctor-in-training, we rotate through many different areas of medicine. Looking back at memorable moments during that time, the teachers that captivated me the most were the ones that told stories. In …Read More

#19: Heart Transplant (Sonja Greene-Smith)

“It is our stories that make us human.” In medical school, I learned all the technical details about heart transplant. I studied the medical criteria that makes you a candidate, the drugs required post-transplant, and the labs and physical symptoms to monitor. Yet, what I did not yet learn were the stories. Those stories came …Read More

#18: Everyday Espionage (Andrew Bustamante)

“One Life. No Compromises.” says Andrew Bustamante in his  workshop series. As a US Air Force combat veteran and former CIA intelligence officer, he now brings the skills of international espionage to everyday life. When you change your perspective to “see your world through the eyes of a spy,” you can leverage the skills of influence, intrigue …Read More

#17: Control Your Clutter, Move Your Life (Mary Jo Zeller)

Are you in control of your stuff? Or is your stuff in control of you? Mary Jo Zeller is a moving consultant. She has supported thousands of families in downsizing, relocating, and getting organized. She received her Masters Degree in Gerontology in 1978 from the University of Illinois, Springfield. Her service record with older adults spans …Read More

#16: Freedom Waters Foundation (Debra Frenkel)

Debra Frenkel is the founder and executive director of the non-profit, Freedom Waters Foundation. The mission of Freedom Waters is to provide therapeutic marine experiences to those with special needs. Learn more at www.freedomwatersfoundation.org. She gives an inspiring interview on following that inner voice of guidance. Interview by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, …Read More

#15: Health Coaching (Michelle Kramer)

Are you having trouble meeting your health goals? Michelle Joy Kramer is a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Health Coach who helps individuals and corporate teams achieve their optimal health through healthy lifestyle changes. Michelle tells us how we can overcome the roadblocks to optimal health. As a certified health coach, she helps clients with goals …Read More