OUR DEEPEST FEAR —by Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? …Read More
Category: Journal
“Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann
In a modern world of “noise and haste,” these simple words slow us down to offer the profound wisdom to “strive to be happy.” This inspirational prose poem and philosophy of life was written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. Wisdom is timeless. May the “Desiderata” inspire you as it inspires me. Go placidly amid the …Read More
“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
There are doctors, medicines, and even machines that have saved lives. And then there are the poets, like Mary Oliver, who have saved souls. She is so deeply present in her poetry that she invites us into presence with her. Growing up in a difficult home, nature became her mother, her teacher, and her mentor. Her …Read More
Healing with Horses
I am still struck today with just how generous he was to share something he loved with a stranger. Gary owned a small family farm with horses and cattle. While his profession took him to the hospital as a physical therapist where I had met him, this was another side of him — love of the …Read More
Asking the Right Question
SOMETIMES —by David Whyte Sometimes if you move carefully through the forest breathing like the ones in the old stories who could cross a shimmering bed of dry leaves without a sound, you come to a place whose only task is to trouble you with tiny but frightening requests conceived out of nowhere but in …Read More
Animal Medicine – Native American Healing
Today, a pair of rabbits hopped about in my backyard, and then disappeared in the brush. A few minutes later, small deer ran across the lawn. A few minutes more, that must be mama deer lagging behind. “It’s Spring!” I said out loud to myself as I continued to stare out the window. Living in …Read More
Poem: If Only to Receive
A friend and poet, Daniel Cryns, shares these words, “If only to receive…” (Poem is posted below with permission.) “If Only to Receive…” by Daniel Cryns If only to receive the song of today in reverence, delight… No need to own it, no need to share it. To fully take in that which will never …Read More
The Right Honorable Dr. Louise Bennett-Coverley (Miss Lou)
The Right Honorable Dr. Louise Bennett-Coverley was born in Kingston, Jamaica, on September 7, 1919. She died in Ontario, Canada, on July 26, 2006. Her body was flown back to Jamaica to lie in state in the National Arena, and then buried in National Hero’s Park, next to other great heroes and leaders of Jamaica. This …Read More
Finger Pointing at the Moon
“It’s like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.” ― Bruce Lee In the movie “Enter the Dragon” (1973), Bruce Lee encounters a young student walking around the temple. They begin to spar, practicing their martial arts training. After sparing, Bruce …Read More
Wedding Toast – Hector & Lisa
Given on their Wedding Day (November 19th, 2016), this toast is posted here with permission from the couple. I am honored to have been part of such a beautiful and special day. Love is a connection of authenticity and presence. I share with you how they inspire me in video and text below. A Wedding …Read More