#30: Plant Medicine ~ Ayahuasca Church (Ryin Cornett)

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~Hippocrates  The term “plant medicine” is often appropriated today to mean the mind-altering substances like ayahuasca, mescaline, and psylisibin. These “plant medicine” ceremonies have become trendy as a quick route to escape the mundane ordinary world and have a “spiritual experience.” As a certified nutritionist, Ryin …Read More

#21: The Story of HIV (Dr. Larry Friedman)

Time stood still. Even the air in the room refused to move, when Dr. Larry Friedman launched into a teaching story. As a resident doctor-in-training, we rotate through many different areas of medicine. Looking back at memorable moments during that time, the teachers that captivated me the most were the ones that told stories. In …Read More

#15: Health Coaching (Michelle Kramer)

Are you having trouble meeting your health goals? Michelle Joy Kramer is a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Health Coach who helps individuals and corporate teams achieve their optimal health through healthy lifestyle changes. Michelle tells us how we can overcome the roadblocks to optimal health. As a certified health coach, she helps clients with goals …Read More

#14: Natural Awakenings, Starting a Dream (Sharon Bruckman)

Sharon Bruckman is the founder and CEO of Natural Awakenings Magazine and Franchise. She tells us how this dream got started by identifying a simple need of the community. She is passionate about health and wellness. Her story will awaken your entrepreneurial spirit. The motto is “Healthy Living – Healthy Planet.” Natural Awakenings Magazine is …Read More