Call for “Stories in Medicine”

The practice of medicine struggles with the often conflicting perspectives of healing, marketing, and money. How can we explore the stories in medicine? The frame of storytelling offered by Annette Simmons in The Story Factor describes six types of stories of influence: who am I, why am I here, vision, teaching, values, and elephant in the room. Knowing your story is knowing yourself. The ability to tell your story is the ability to authentically influence others. As individuals, we apply these stories to our life and mission of influence in the world.

My own personal “story in medicine” as a physician bridges between the worlds of traditional and alternative medicine. Like the work of Rachel Naomi Remen in Kitchen Table Wisdom,  personal stories bring humanity back to the “science of medicine.”

Developing a New Course

I hope to bring the next generation that will enter medical profession into the “stories of medicine.” Beyond the revolutions of science and technology that advance medicine daily, we are left with the practical aspects of how that medicine is delivered to individuals by individuals. This course will explore the stories in medicine from the different aspects: doctors, nurses, therapists, patients, families, administrators, hospitals, drug companies, scientists, and the many faces that play their part in the growing industry of health care.

Course Objectives

  • Explore stories and careers in both traditional and alternative medicine from different perspectives.
  • Learn the elements of a story and storytelling.
  • Define the six types of stories of influence and give examples.
  • Learn to craft and tell the six types of stories of influence.
  • Explore your mission and vision of influence in the world through stories.

Call for Stories

Send me your “Stories in Medicine.”

  • What is your experience with medical care?
  • Tell me the story of an encounter from any perspective.
  • Do you work in medicine? Are you a family member?
  • Are you dealing with chronic illness? or emergency?
  • Tell me what happened.

I’m looking for stories. Don’t just tell me what you think! Show me what happened. Tell the story of what happened for you to create those beliefs.

What is your unique perspective?  Patient, health care worker, administrator, scientist-researcher….

Send audio, video, or text

Send to: Dr. Joel Ying, MD

[email protected]


Or leave a message at 239-200-6796

NOTE: All stories will be held confidential. This is a private email that is only read by me. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee a response to all submissions. This is NOT a medical consultation, simply a sharing of your personal story. You will not receive medical advice. If you are requesting a medical evaluation, please call to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your help with this project.