Blue Zones of Longevity

What is the secret to a long and healthy life?

In 1513, Ponce de Leon landed in Florida searching for the Fountain of Youth, scientists are still looking for the secret today. In 2004, two scientists studying longevity circled areas on the map in blue and published their research. Based on population studies, they looked for the secrets of the centenarians (people living past one hundred). In 2005, Dan Beutner used the term “Blue Zones” in a National Geographic article, “The Secrets to a Long Life.” He would later expand this into his book, The Blue Zones: Lessons for living Longer from People Who’ve Lived the Longest.

Five regions were identified:

  1. Sardinia, Italy
  2. Okinawa, Japan
  3. Loma Linda, California
  4. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
  5. Icaria, Greece

What do Blue Zone individuals have in common?

  • Family-focused
  • Non-smokers
  • Mainly vegetarian
  • Moderate physical activity integrated into life
  • Socially active as all ages are integrated into the community
  • Diet high in legumes

“If wisdom is the sum of knowledge plus experience, then these individuals possess more wisdom than anyone else…. insights from centenarians about living life well. Their stories cover everything from child rearing to learning how to be likable, from getting rich to finding—and keeping—love in your life. From them, we can all learn how to create our own personal Blue Zones and start on the path to living longer, better lives.”
~ Dan Beuttner

From the research and many personal interviews, Buettner created nine recommendations.

  1. Moderate, regular physical activity
  2. Life purpose
  3. Stress reduction
  4. Moderate caloric intake
  5. Plant-based diet
  6. Moderate alcohol intake, especially wine
  7. Engagement in spirituality or religion
  8. Engagement in family life
  9. Engagement in social life

Blue Zones Project

Today, many communities are using the information from the Blue Zones research to improve their overall wellness. With community awareness and education, they encourage their members to make healthy choices. Visit

Begin your own path to wellness.

More Blue Zone Books by Dan Beuttner