Autumn Equinox ~ a day of balance

“There is a harmony In autumn, and a luster in its sky…”
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

Today is a day of balance!

September 23, 2019, begins the Autumn Equinox, the change of seasons, the first day of Autumn.

The sun shines directly on the equator. The hours of day and night are equal for the whole planet, hence the name “equinox.” The long days of Summer officially end. From this day on, the daylight hours begin to wane and take us into the darkness of the coming Winter.

What is the balance of your life? The equinox is a beautiful time for introspection. In the northern hemisphere, Autumn will take us into the time of Harvest. What are you harvesting at this stage of your life?

Time speeds up

As a 8-year-old waiting for the holidays, time could not pass fast enough. I could not understand why all the adults complained about time moving so fast. “Just wait. You will understand some day.” The phenomenon of time speeding up as we age does not seem to make sense to the linear rational mind, but it sure feels like the days, weeks, and years whiz by faster and faster. Time has caught up with me. Yes, I understand!

Slow it down

The change of seasons gives time to slow down, pause, and savor the moment. I live in South Florida, and like everyone else I must slow down to meet the rhythms of where I am now.

What are the rhythms of your place?

Here in South Florida, the seasons have a different meaning. The busy season for tourism begins in Winter. Autumn for us is not a time of Harvest, but a time to  prepare (plant seeds). People come here in the Winter. As busy as bees, they buzz from beach to restaurant to tennis to theater … just as the bees do in the spring from flower to flower. Here they pollinate the economy.

Now is the time for me to plant seeds, prepare the soil. Paradoxically, Winter is my time to Harvest.

Upcoming Workshop: Release and Renewal –  A New Year’s Retreat

Each New Year, I slow down, determine which crops are growing, pull out weeds, and collect new seeds for planting. What will you harvest in the coming New Year? Join me!

Release and Renewal: A New Year’s Retreat
January 8 – 12, 2020
Sedona, Arizona
Click for details.